Environment & Turtle Friendly Lighting
Intelligent Lighting Solution for Wildlife Conservation

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Turtles such as loggerheads and leatherbacks face critical challenges due to human activities, particularly related to lighting along coastal areas. Sea turtles, being ancient creatures, have evolved certain behaviors that are now being disrupted by artificial light sources.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) have recognized the importance of addressing this issue by certifying light fixtures as wildlife-friendly. These efforts aim to mitigate the negative impacts of artificial lighting on sea turtles and their habitats.
The FFWCC's definition of wildlife-friendly lighting emphasizes the importance of using downward-directed, shielded fixtures with long-wavelength lighting on coastal buildings visible from the beach. This approach aims to minimize light pollution while ensuring that sea turtle hatchlings are not disoriented or attracted to artificial light sources.
The significance of these guidelines lies in their potential to protect sea turtle hatchlings, which are particularly vulnerable to artificial light sources. Newly hatched turtles instinctively navigate towards the brightest light, historically the moonlit sea surface. However, the presence of artificial lighting from buildings, streets, and other sources can lead hatchlings astray, putting them at risk of predation, vehicle collisions, or exposure to lethal temperatures.